<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> DLH Release Notes |
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Product Release Information
Introduction This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 7.0. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a release that improves security and complies with DoD requirements. All users of previous releases should upgrade to this release. There are no changes to the actual DLH structure. What's New? •Individual Username/Passwords are removed •Users will connect using Certificate/Token. The Certificate must be a valid DoD approved certificate (either CAC or ECA) •Minor changes to main screen. The title bar will now show the user's full name instead of Database account name. It will also show the user's last login date/time •SQL Server Express upgraded to SQL Server Express 2012. ERPToolsX can support SQL Server Express 2012 to 2017. •User inactivity will require them to re-authenticate with their token
Please review the ERPToolsX User Guide to see all the changes and how to login using your Certificate and Token. Known Caveats and Workarounds •NONE |
Product Release Information
Introduction This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 6.1. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance without adding any new functionality. All users of previous releases should upgrade to this release. What's New? •AFCEE SUPPLIED is now called ERPIMS SUPPLIED •Validation Rule changes were made to support the entry and handling of Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) data. •The list of tables that are ERPIMS SUPPLIED has grown. Here is the full list of ERPIMS SUPPLIED tables:
Tables that are ERPIMS supplied are: •GSI (not an editable table) •HSU •LDI •LOCALIAS (not an editable table) •LOX •LSX •LTX •OU •OUC •ROX •RSI •RTI •RSX •SCC •SLX •SOX •STU •WCI •WMI •WINT •ZDI •ZLX
•Added two new columns to the Field Layout Table(s) for each Table. Import Required = A value is required in this field to successfully import data for this table into ERPToolsX. This replaced the Required ? column which was unclear. Delivery Required = A value must exist in this field for a record to be accepted for Delivery (see Delivery Required Values for more details). HSU
Known Caveats and Workarounds •NONE |
Product Release Information
Introduction This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 6.0. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance without adding any new functionality. All users of previous releases should upgrade to this release. What's New? •Corrections to the DLH Tables. Performance - Prime
Performance - Lab
•Previously SITE_ID column was a numerical field of length 3. This has been changed to incorporate SITE_IDs with a length of 4. This change affects the following tables: RSX
•The following DLH Fields have changes to their descriptions.
•The VVL was changed to RRC for REASON_CODE.
•Submission Date was removed from the Definitions.
•Email and surface mail addresses were updated.
Known Caveats and Workarounds •NONE |
Product Release Information
Introduction This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 5.1.1222. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance without adding any new functionality. All users of previous 5.1 releases should upgrade to this release. What's New? •Corrections to the DLH Tables.
Recent Changes
Known Caveats and Workarounds •NONE |
Product Release Information
Introduction This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 5.1.904. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance without adding any new functionality. All users of previous 5.1 releases should upgrade to this release. What's New? •Corrections to the DLH Tables in anticipation of the ErpTools X release.
Recent Changes •CORRECTION Field length for ParendLabId field corrected to a length of 20. •CORRECTION Field length for TrcVolUnits field corrected to a length of 10. •CORRECTION Field length for SAQCode field corrected to a length of 4. •CORRECTION Field length for EndDepth field corrected to a length of 9,2. •CORRECTION Changed end number of TotDepth on the WCI table to correct number space for 7,2. •FIX Field length for MDL changed from 16,6 to 14,6. •FIX Field length for RL changed from 16,6 to 14,6. •FIX Field length for Number_Samples changed from 7 to 7,0. •FIX Changed Start/End Numbers on Frequency Table to reflect the removal of Source field. •FIX Changed Start/End Numbers on Performance Table to reflect the removal of Source field. •FIX Changed Start/End Numbers on Performance Tables to reflect the change in length of MDL field. •FIX Changed Start/End Numbers on Performance Tables to reflect the change in length of RL field. •FIX Changed Start/End Numbers on ProjSamp Table to reflect the change in length of Number_Samples field. •FIX Changed Start/End Numbers on Result Table to reflect the change in length of MDL field. •FIX Changed Start/End Numbers on Result Table to reflect the change in length of RL field. •FIX Changed Start/End Numbers on WCI Table to reflect the correction in length of TotDepth field. •ENHANCEMENT Removed Source Field from DLH due to removal from Erptools X database. Known Caveats and Workarounds •NONE |
Product Release Information
Introduction This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 5.1.819. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance without adding any new functionality. All users of previous 5.1 releases should upgrade to this release. What's New? •Field Descriptions index listed in a table to reduce scrolling. •Keyword Index has been fleshed out. •Group 3 submission timeline stretched from 30 days to 60 days. Recent Changes •CORRECTION Submission Timeline changed from 30 days after results returned to 60 days after results have been returned form lab. •FIX Corrected incorrect links on Erptoolsx page. •FIX Added AF Approved Copyright information to Files •ENHANCEMENT Added more Keywords to the document to increase index usability. •ENHANCEMENT Edited layout of Lechmeth for improved viewing on page. •ENHANCEMENT Removed Draft watermark from pages. Known Caveats and Workarounds •NONE |
Product Release Information
Introduction This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 5.1.615. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance without adding any new functionality. All users of previous 5.1 releases should upgrade to this release. What's New? •Corrected the PRIME.TEST format table. •Added DLH Release Notes Page. Recent Changes •FIX Format file for PRIME.TEST had a short field name labeled for the field in 67-70 block. It now reads LABCODE instead of LOGCODE. •ENHANCEMENT Added a DLH Release Notes Section. This section will define and list all new changes to the DLH based on release number. •ENHANCEMENT Added a navigation link to the main page directing users to the Release Notes Section. Known Caveats and Workarounds •NONE |
Product Release Information
Introduction This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 5.1.427. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance without adding any new functionality. All users of previous 5.1 releases should upgrade to this release. What's New? •Changes Descriptions on 6 fields to reduce confusion on the fields. •Made Corrections to many starting and ending numbers of fields. •Added a LAB version of the PERFORMANCE format file. Recent Changes •FIX Changed the description of each of the following fields to read similarly to the description given for the Frequency Table. This is to help reduce confusion on the fields. oFD oFR oMS oSD oLB oBS
•FIX Changed the description notes for the FREQUENCY Table. o== FREQUENCY Table – Child Tables: None o2 == For the FREQUENCY Table. o3 == For the FREQUENCY Table.
•FIX Corrected the broken hyperlink to GSI from Group 1 Table page.
•FIX Changed the table properties to increase the cell padding on the Group 4 Table Page to eliminate the combo link look.
•FIX Changed the ending values on the GWD table for the following fields. oSTATDEP From 73 To 74 oOBS_MPELEV From 101 To 102
•FIX Changed the ending values on the OWL table for the following fields. oDEPWAT From 81 To 82
•FIX Changed the ending values on the PERFORMANCE table for the following field. oLOWER_ACCURACY From 45 To 46
•ENHANCEMENT Added a Lab version of PERFORMANCE with all the performance fields + LABCODE
•FIX Changed the starting values on the PUMPINT table for the following fields oUNITS From 107 To 108 oREMARKS From 118 To 119
•FIX Changed the ending values on the PUMPINT table for the following fields. oBEGDEPTH From 65 To 66 oEND DEPTH From 76 To 77 oPUMPDEPTH From 96 To 97 oPUMPINGRATE From 105 To 106 oUNITS From 116 To 117 oREMARKS From 357 To 358
•FIX Changed the ending values on the PUMPRATE Table for the following value. oPUMPINGRATE From 82 To 81
•FIX Changed the ending value on the RESULT table for the prime project for the following values. oSBD From 49 To 50 oSED From 58 To 59
•FIX Changed the ending value on the RESULT table for the lab project for the following values. oLAB_QC_FLAG From 268 To 266 oREASON_CODE From 258 To 268
•FIX Changed the ending values on the SAMPLE table for both the prime and lab project for the following values. oSBD From 49 To 50 oSED From 58 To 59
Known Caveats and Workarounds •NONE |