<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Field Lot Control Numbers |
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Field lot control numbers are used to associate samples sharing common field quality control (QC) samples. Field lot control numbers consist of four fields: ABLOT, EBLOT, TBLOT and COOLER. The ABLOT, EBLOT and TBLOT fields are formatted as N8, DDMMYYNN, where NN is the two digit SAMPNO of the associated blank. The field COOLER is formatted as C2 to indicate the alphanumeric assignment of a specific cooler id to the ice chest in which the normal samples and field blanks were placed. Derived QC samples such as FD, FR, LR, MS and SD sample types should usually contain the same lot control number values as their normal parent records.
Enter into the LOGDATE field the date that a blank is placed in a cooler with its associated normal and derived QC samples. Leave the ABLOT, EBLOT, and TBLOT fields null for all blank samples. For all normal samples, enter the numeric date (DDMMYY) of the associated blank’s LOGDATE in the appropriate lot field (ABLOT, EBLOT or TBLOT), combined with the SAMPNO of the associated blank. In the COOLER field, enter the alphanumeric id of the cooler containing a trip blank and its related samples. For normal and derived QC samples not associated with a blank, leave the corresponding field null. Thus, if there is no Trip Blank associated with a normal sample, the TBLOT field will be left null. The same reasoning applies to normal samples not related to Ambient or Equipment blanks. A Cooler value must be entered for each TB sample.
Two crews conducted sampling on consecutive days. Crew #1 collected normal environmental samples from monitoring wells # 01, 02, 03, 06 and 07 and a field duplicate from monitoring well #03. They also collected equipment blanks, ambient blanks and a trip blanks. The next day, crew #2 collected normal environmental samples from monitoring wells # 04, 05, 08, 09 and 10. They also collected equipment blanks and ambient blanks. The samples (and field duplicate) from wells 01, 02 and 03 were shipped in cooler B. The samples from wells 04, 05, 06 and 07 and the equipment blanks, ambient blanks and the trip blanks were shipped in cooler A. The samples from wells 08, 09 and 10 were shipped in cooler C. The following chart and figure show the field lot control numbers associated with each sample taken. In this example the two ambient blanks and the two equipment blanks are differentiated from each other by their LOGDATEs. The associations to the normal samples are covered by the first six digits of the ABLOT and EBLOT entries.
Data Table for Example #1
CREW 1 |
6 Jul 97 |
CREW 2 |
7 Jul 97 |
Sacode |
Sampno |
Sacode |
Sampno |
MW-01 |
06JUL97 |
N |
1 |
06079701 |
06079701 |
B |
MW-04 |
07JUL97 |
N |
1 |
07079701 |
07079701 |
06079701 |
A |
MW-02 |
06JUL97 |
N |
1 |
06079701 |
06079701 |
B |
MW-05 |
07JUL97 |
N |
1 |
07079701 |
07079701 |
06079701 |
A |
MW-03 |
06JUL97 |
N |
1 |
06079701 |
06079701 |
B |
MW-08 |
07JUL97 |
N |
1 |
07079701 |
07079701 |
C |
MW-03 |
06JUL97 |
FD |
1 |
06079701 |
06079701 |
B |
MW-09 |
07JUL97 |
N |
1 |
07079701 |
07079701 |
C |
MW-06 |
06JUL97 |
N |
1 |
06079701 |
06079701 |
06079701 |
A |
MW-10 |
07JUL97 |
N |
1 |
07079701 |
07079701 |
C |
MW-07 |
06JUL97 |
N |
1 |
06079701 |
06079701 |
06079701 |
A |
07JUL97 |
AB |
1 |
A |
06JUL97 |
AB |
1 |
A |
07JUL97 |
EB |
1 |
A |
06JUL97 |
EB |
1 |
A |
06JUL97 |
TB |
1 |
A |
Two crews conducted sampling on the same day. All other conditions are identical to example #1. In this example the two ambient blanks and the two equipment blanks are differentiated from each other by their SAMPNOs. The associations to the normal samples are covered by the last two digits of the ABLOT and EBLOT entries.
Data Table for Example #2
CREW 1 |
30 Sep 97 |
CREW 2 |
30 Sep 97 |
Sacode |
Sampno |
Sacode |
Sampno |
MW-01 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099701 |
30099701 |
B |
MW-04 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099702 |
30099702 |
30099701 |
A |
MW-02 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099701 |
30099701 |
B |
MW-05 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099702 |
30099702 |
30099701 |
A |
MW-03 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099701 |
30099701 |
B |
MW-08 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099702 |
30099702 |
C |
MW-03 |
30Sept97 |
FD |
1 |
30099701 |
30099701 |
B |
MW-09 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099702 |
30099702 |
C |
MW-06 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099701 |
30099701 |
30099701 |
A |
MW-10 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099702 |
30099702 |
C |
MW-07 |
30Sept97 |
N |
1 |
30099701 |
30099701 |
30099701 |
A |
30Sept97 |
AB |
2 |
A |
30Sept97 |
AB |
1 |
A |
30Sept97 |
EB |
2 |
A |
30Sept97 |
EB |
1 |
A |
30Sept97 |
TB |
1 |
A |
Laboratory Lot Control Numbers
Laboratory lot control numbers are used to associate samples sharing common laboratory quality control samples. The laboratory lot control number is a number assigned to analytical batches by the laboratory. The following figure shows how the samples (from the field lot number example) might be "batched" together with laboratory QC samples and assigned a laboratory lot control number.