Test Procedure
Short Name
AFCEE Supplied
Number of Fields
Prime 8 / Lab 9
Total Record Length
Prime 66 / Lab 301
Child Tables
Environmental Sample Preparation Information.
This table contains information pertinent to environmental sample preparation and handling. Each TESTS record captures data concerning a single extraction or preparation. Every TESTS record must have a parent SAMPLES record to which it is related by installation, location, log date, log time, matrix, beginning and ending depths, sample code, and sample number. TESTS must also have at least one related RESULTS record in order to be included in the data submission. A separate record must be entered for every combination of analytical method, extraction method, leachate method, lab code, and run number that has the same parent sample record. ERPToolsX accommodates multiple runs for a given extraction/analytical method combination performed on a single sample using the RUN_NUMBER field.
Tests such as methods E120.1 (specific conductance), E150.1 (pH), E170.1 (temperature) and E180.1 (turbidity) should be performed during monitoring well purging for groundwater sampling and well development. These field tests may be performed multiple times during monitoring well purging or development. Only the final result prior to groundwater sampling at the conclusion of well development (after stabilization of field test parameters) should be recorded in ERPIMS.