Environmental Synectics, Inc. is a small business consulting group, specializing in data intensive environmental restoration projects. We architected, built and currently manage the largest web based Environmental Data Management System (EDMS) on the Internet, and have been providing leading edge data management services since 1996.

Synectics employs senior environmental professionals and scientists with technical degrees and decades of experience supporting Department of Defense environmental projects. We use our enterprise level EDMS for acquiring, analyzing and reporting environmental data with demonstrated reductions in cost, schedule and risk. Our systems are also in use by government agencies and private consulting firms across the country.

Our web based EDMS offers more collaboration, real time data access, and higher levels of data acquisition screening than other commercially available systems, while still including all standard functionality. Synectics’ EDMS also includes interactive tools for managing, searching and accessing environmental documents, as well as integration with geospatial components.

Synectics uses our EDMS to provide outsourced data management supporting many aspects of environmental sampling and data acquisition:

Event Planning and Management
Chain of custody and bottle labels
Field and groundwater measurements
Laboratory data acquisition
Automated Data Review (ADR)
Data analysis
Final reporting
Real time GIS integration and access
Searchable electronic document libraries

Synectics' EDMS is also used by government agencies and consulting firms who perform all data management themselves. Ours is the only commercially available system for managing environmental information that is provided license-free, with no installed software, and is utilized on a daily basis by the environmental professionals who developed it.