Product Release Information
This document contains the release notes for ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook version 5.1.427. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.
This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance without adding any new functionality. All users of previous 5.1 releases should upgrade to this release.
What's New?
•Changes Descriptions on 6 fields to reduce confusion on the fields. •Made Corrections to many starting and ending numbers of fields. •Added a LAB version of the PERFORMANCE format file. Recent Changes
•FIX Changed the description of each of the following fields to read similarly to the description given for the Frequency Table. This is to help reduce confusion on the fields. oFD oFR oMS oSD oLB oBS
•FIX Changed the description notes for the FREQUENCY Table. o== FREQUENCY Table – Child Tables: None
The correct Child Tables: PERFORMANCE o2 == For the FREQUENCY Table.
Field SOURCE – VVL Name: PAR
The correct VVL Name is PJTT o3 == For the FREQUENCY Table.
Field SOURCE – Description
“Method of Code Source is a coded value indicating whether the entered data is specified within the laboratory or prime QAPP or DQO.”
•FIX Corrected the broken hyperlink to GSI from Group 1 Table page.
•FIX Changed the table properties to increase the cell padding on the Group 4 Table Page to eliminate the combo link look.
•FIX Changed the ending values on the GWD table for the following fields. oSTATDEP From 73 To 74 oOBS_MPELEV From 101 To 102
•FIX Changed the ending values on the OWL table for the following fields. oDEPWAT From 81 To 82
•FIX Changed the ending values on the PERFORMANCE table for the following field. oLOWER_ACCURACY From 45 To 46
•ENHANCEMENT Added a Lab version of PERFORMANCE with all the performance fields + LABCODE
•FIX Changed the starting values on the PUMPINT table for the following fields oUNITS From 107 To 108 oREMARKS From 118 To 119
•FIX Changed the ending values on the PUMPINT table for the following fields. oBEGDEPTH From 65 To 66 oEND DEPTH From 76 To 77 oPUMPDEPTH From 96 To 97 oPUMPINGRATE From 105 To 106 oUNITS From 116 To 117 oREMARKS From 357 To 358
•FIX Changed the ending values on the PUMPRATE Table for the following value. oPUMPINGRATE From 82 To 81
•FIX Changed the ending value on the RESULT table for the prime project for the following values. oSBD From 49 To 50 oSED From 58 To 59
•FIX Changed the ending value on the RESULT table for the lab project for the following values. oLAB_QC_FLAG From 268 To 266 oREASON_CODE From 258 To 268
•FIX Changed the ending values on the SAMPLE table for both the prime and lab project for the following values. oSBD From 49 To 50 oSED From 58 To 59
Known Caveats and Workarounds